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Advance Hair Transplant Kit – hair transplant setup

Advance hair Transplant Kit includes as below:- * Graft Constant Temp. machine (Double Plate Storage) *laser Assisted Hair Line Device *Dermojet ( Injection free anesthesia device) *Loupe *Marathon Micromotor Set *Handpiece *Standard FUE Punch 5 Pcs *Serrated FUE Punch 5 Pcs *Implanting Forceps 6 Pcs (Angular imp. forcep 2 pcs, Curve imp. forcep 2 pcs, Z-imp. forcep 2 pcs) *Extraction Forceps 5 Pcs (Adson ext. forcep, Adson serrated ext. forcep, Curve ext. forcep, Curve ext. forcep, Capsular ext. forcep) *Blade Holder *GURU Slit Blades 20 Pcs *Pen Implanter 10 Pcs *Needle Implanter 10 Pcs *Skin Vibrator ( Pain reducing device during local anesthesia ) *Prone Pillow *Optivisor *Petri Dishes 10 Pcs *Graft Cleaner

Double Box Plate

*Plate uses with GCTM. *Plate have two boxes for store the grafts. *Dimension :3.5 inch * 5.5 inch * 10 mm *Easily store more than 8000 grafts at a time.


*Innovative device for hair line designing . *Convenient and portable device to check hair line symmetry. *The point of interaction of vertical and horizontal laser light would determine the mid frontal point. The horizontal line would guide the frontotemporal points and the hair line which can be adjusted according to age, sex and face parameters of the patients. *Can be used for all patients irrespective for age, race and sex. *Effective tool for patient counselling. *Easy to use and a must for both novice and experts.